About Plunk Feeney Family Farms
Plunk Feeney Family Farms, or PF3 for short, was made possible by two farming families coming together through their mutual passion of farming. The Plunk farm was founded by William Plunk in the late 1800’s, who ended up selling the main homestead farm to his nephew Robert L. Plunk Sr. which is still farmed to this day. The Feeney farm was founded by Luke and Ellen Feeney who came to Ivesdale, IL from Ireland and originally purchased the Feeney homestead which is also farmed to this day.
In 2018, the 5th generation members on the Plunk side which consist of Christopher Plunk, Jack Plunk, Josh Plunk and Mark Plunk along with the 5th generation member of the Feeney side, Luke Feeney, came together to form Plunk Feeney Family farms and merge the two operations into one.
Crops and Markets
Our operation strives to serve specialty markets including seed corn and beans, white corn, food grade corn, and non-gmo beans. Not only do we strive to be a part of the most lucrative markets, but we take advantage of professional marketing advice and strategies and offer that tool to our landlords as well.
Equipment and Facilities
We utilize a full line of equipment and facilities to service that equipment, as well as grain storage facilities.
- Tracked equipment with GPS to reduce compaction and increase efficiency
- Narrow row bean planters to increase yield and fight weed pressure
- Line of sprayers to service our own crops
- Tile plow used to install our own drainage systems
Our operation adapts as the ever-changing scope of agriculture continues to advance.
Meet Our Team
Christopher Plunk
Operations, Technology, and Agronomy Manager
Email Christopher

Meet Our Team

Christopher Plunk
Operations, Technology, and Agronomy Manager
Email Christopher